⚡️ County Weighting Online Sales Tax

👋 Good Morning, West County!

In today’s ⚡️West County Pulse newsletter:

💳 Online Purchase Tax Proposal
🚧 141 Improvements
🍞 STL Bread Co.’s Local Naming

Let’s jump into today’s newsletter!

Jared Michel

Top Stories

🛒 County Plans Internet Purchase Tax

St. Louis County officials are considering implementing a tax on online purchases to address budget concerns. The proposal could generate an estimated $60 million in revenue for county services. If approved by the council by next Tuesday, voters would see the measure on April's ballot.

🚧 New Turn Lanes Coming to Route 141

Construction crews will begin safety improvements at Route 141 and Highlands Boulevard/Woods Mill Road probably next week, weather permitting. MoDOT's project will modify right-turn lanes to improve visibility and reduce crashes at the intersection. Work is expected to last three to five days.

Source: MoDOT

🌟 County Announces Vietnam Memorial Stop

Last month, St. Louis County Parks announced The Wall That Heals will visit Jefferson Barracks Park. The 375-foot Vietnam Veterans Memorial replica will be open 24 hours daily from July 24-27, 2025. The free exhibit will include a mobile Education Center featuring stories of local veterans.

🥶 New Warning System for Winter Cold

You may have noticed last week that the National Weather Service has implemented a new Cold Weather Advisory system to replace traditional Wind Chill Advisories. The advisory structure aims to better protect residents as temperatures fall.


🍞 Bread Co. Name Holds Strong in STL

A recent stir on social media about local Bread Co. locations changing names prompted investigation. Panera officials clarified that full-service cafes inside Interstate 270 will maintain the St. Louis Bread Co. branding, honoring the chain's 1987 local roots. Only smaller format locations designed for takeout will use the Panera name.

💡 Electric Bills May Rise in March

Missouri residents gathered at public hearings throughout January to discuss Ameren's proposed rate increase. The utility company's request would add approximately $17.45 to monthly bills for its 1.2 million customers. Multiple city officials expressed concern about the impact on municipal services and resident costs.

💪 Chesterfield Y Welcoming Visitors

The Chesterfield YMCA is hosting an open house today (Saturday) from 8am to 12:30pm, featuring popular fitness classes and facility tours. Visitors can participate in raffle drawings, while those who bring guests receive $25 in Y bucks. Staff will share information about upcoming facility improvements.

School District Highlights

📱 Parkway Polls Parents on Phone Rules

A recent Parkway classroom study documented the frequency of phone interruptions during instruction time. The 15-minute observation in a teaching preparation class recorded 65 device notifications, providing data for the district's broader examination of cell phone policies. Over 4,500 parents have already shared feedback on potential policy updates.


🏛️ Bob Nation Ends 12-Year Run as Mayor

Chesterfield's leadership will change as Mayor Bob Nation concludes his service after 12 years. Manufacturing executive Dan Hurt and former state representative Derek Grier have filed their candidacy for the position. The upcoming election will determine who takes the helm of city government.

Creve Coeur

🏆 Local Biz Awards Return to Creve Coeur

Creve Coeur's Economic Development Committee has announced its annual Business Awards program for 2025. The program recognizes local businesses and organizations across four categories: community impact, innovation, sustainability, and dining excellence. Nominations for the tenth annual awards can be made online here and close March 7.

🚦 Major Road Project Approved for Creve Coeur

Construction will begin on improvements to the Old Olive Street Road and Lindbergh Boulevard intersection. The Creve Coeur City Council approved a $2 million contract with Raineri Construction to reconstruct the intersection and install new traffic signals. The project, partially funded by federal and state grants, will connect to the 39 North Agtech District.


🐾 Register Your Pup for Park Access

A reminder from Eureka’s Parks and Recreation Dept. this week outlined theur dog park access procedures. The Berry Park facility at 401 Forby Road requires registration at The Timbers with vaccination records and annual fees of $40 for residents or $55 for non-residents.


🏕️ Great Outdoors Will Meet Great Fun in Manchester

Manchester's annual celebration is going back to nature this September, with The Great Outdoors theme transforming Schroeder Park into a wilderness wonderland. The 2025 Homecoming festival, running September 5-7, promises three days of outdoor-inspired activities, entertainment, and community spirit.

🌱 Manchester's 2025 Green Scene Takes Shape

The City of Manchester has released its environmental event schedule for 2025. Regular metal and electronics collection events at Schroeder Park form the backbone of the program, while specialized events like Holiday Tree Pickup and Clean Stream Day encourage community-wide participation in sustainability efforts.


🚰 Water Main Repairs Across Wildwood

Four water main breaks have occurred across Wildwood since January 21st. Missouri American Water crews are working on repairs at Manchester Road, Pond Road, Quail Valley Drive, and Waterside Drive locations.

Valley Park

🎨 Kids Turn Nature Facts Into Magical Book

Third grade students at Valley Park Elementary are turning their science lessons into a published book. Each student selected and researched a different example of symbiosis - the way two species help each other survive. Their illustrated book will explain these natural partnerships to younger readers.

Upcoming Events


❤️ 2025 Healthy Resolutions Health Fair @ The Lodge, 9am to 12pm
🏃 Wildwood Frozen Feet 10-Mile Trail Run @ LaSalle Springs Middle School, 8am












🎵 Wednesday Club Music Bingo @ the Eureka Community Center, 6pm to 10pm


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